DIY Projects To Try

PicMonkey Collage(5)PicMonkey Collage(6)#1 something similar here / #2 here / #3 here / #4 here / #5 here

Pinterest er min evige go-to guy(gal?) for DIY projekter og for inspiration generelt – hvad end til fashion, interiør eller mad. En af de ting jeg virkelig holder af, er alle de tusinder af Do-It-Yourself projekter som der bliver linket til derinde. Der er nogle som tager noget tid (og hvor jeg nok skal have mere end bare min kollegielejlighed, høhø), men der er også rigtig mange som kan laves på én dag eller over en enkelt weekend, hvis man har tid. Personligt skal jeg lave en del i min absurd lange sommerferie fra uni, hvor jeg for én gangs skyld ikke skal ud at rejse, men blot befinde mig primært i søde Århus. 🙂

Jeg har klippet lidt i billederne, for at de kunne passe ind, men for at se hele beskrivelsen og alle billeder, klik på de dersens links, yeah?

Har I nogle gode DIY planer I render og pusler rundt med?


I love DIYs and Pinterest is the best place to find them. Currently those are my summer projects, and I hope I’ll have time and means to do them all this summer as I am primarily staying in beautiful Aarhus!

I’ve cut a bit in the pictures so they fit my needs, but please click on the links to see all images and descriptions. Are you running around with some DIY plans?

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Homemade Pants // & Other Stories

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A close-up on the shoes from Yesstyle and my new wonders from & Other Stories.
I recently made these cobber pants from faux leather and I absolutely love them. They are skintight and works stunningly with long shirts or some sort of tunics.
The shoes I bought from Yesstyle, which is an Asian online store with an amazing selection of clothes, shoes, bags and what else you can desire.

I apologize for the lack of activity, but I’ve been spending the last few days in Copenhagen visiting my friend and just enjoying my time before university starts up again!
